switched service

英 [swɪtʃt ˈsɜːvɪs] 美 [swɪtʃt ˈsɜːrvɪs]

网络  交换业务,转接业务



  1. Packet switched data transmission service
  2. In data communication, the connection through the public switched telephone network from a terminal to a service, network or computer.
  3. He downsized Neocha staff, moved its office to a smaller space, and switched to a less expensive Web-hosting service.
  4. For its part, Google had clearly been expecting retaliation since it switched its Chinese search service to Hong Kong eight days ago.
  5. Must be switched manually between one or the other service.
  6. In that case, RCSs that cannot be switched over are taken out of service.
  7. General Packet Radio Service ( GPRS) provides GPRS users packet switched data service. However, in existing GPRS applications, GPRS specification does not support push access such as call termination ( incoming call).
  8. Automatic Switched Optical Network ( ASON) represents the development trend of optical networks. Multi-granularity optical switching is the importantly physically supporting techniques for ASON to realize traffic engineering and quality of service ( QoS).
  9. The Automatically Switched Optical Network ( ASON) can configure the network intelligently according to the type and traffic of service and the network sources, so gives the optical network the ability of providing configurable bandwidth and dynamic end-to-end connection management.
  10. At the same time, Packet Switched Data Networks has grown significantly in Quality of Service ( QoS).
  11. 3G-324M is the 3GPP specified multimedia communication recommendation in 3G circuit switched network. And it is also the only international standard nowadays of 3G mobile phone's video telephony service.
  12. It supplements today's Circuit Switched Data and Short Message Service.
  13. On the basis of prior Study, through test, we confirm the hypotheses in study, on, customers who have switched service providers because of dissatisfaction seem to differ significantly from other customer groups in their Satisfaction and loyalty behaviors.
  14. CDPD ( Cellular digital packet data) is a kind of wireless technology, that provides packet switched data transfer service using the radio equipment and bands in the existing analog mobile cellular systems. It extends the service supporting capability of the analog mobile cellular systems.
  15. Community broadband network system with integrated services, which is based on switched ethernet technology, provides Internet access service, DTV, VoIP and etc. for residential users in a single physical network.
  16. This paper also studies and compares three different methods to measure the resources used by each circuit switched service, which is to be determined in spectrum requirements analysis.
  17. The aim of the architecture is to serve all the telecommunication networks, including not only Public Switched Telephone Network ( PSTN), Narrowband Integrated Service Digital Network ( N-ISDN), but also mobile telecommunication network and Broadband IP Network.
  18. Introduced the characteristics of switched Ethernet and analyzed the composition of the network delay. Introduced congestion control problem which affected the network quality of service and network quality of control, analyzed the causes of network congestion and common solutions.
  19. At the end of this paper, we designed an applied environment. In this environment, we dynamically switched the data storage module of the service gateway.
  20. Internet is a packet switched network which provided Best-effort service at the beginning. It supports the FTP protocol, E-mail, HTTP, etc. These traditional data services do not ask for higher performance of the network delay.
  21. Since the 1980s, the global economy has switched to "the service economy" from "the industry economy", and the proportion of service industry to national economy has been getting bigger and bigger.
  22. The competition in insurance has been switched from price and products to synthesis of management and service.
  23. Community service station is the government public services extended to the community platform, borne from the government switched out of the service function and the neighborhood is stripped from the function.